The electrician came yesterday to fit new heating controls and thermostat, and do the electrical safety tests I need for letting - a moral rather than a legal requirement. Of course, the fuse box didn't have enough RCDs which meant a new fuse box, and the bathroom light wasn't right which meant a new light, and it all added up to a nice big bill. This afternoon the plumber should be coming to fit TRVs, sort out a couple of dripping taps, service the boiler and do the gas safety tests. I'm expecting another hefty bill. But I want to get the house as right as it can be for my tenants, while I'm still in it, and I want to encourage them to have a small carbon footprint.
I've spent the last few days sorting stuff - what I'm taking with me to Mucknell, what is going into storage, what is for the tip, charity shops, recycling and the bin. I didn't think I had all that much stuff, except books, but I was wrong! I've accumulated junk with the best of them since I moved into house ownership. So I'm trying to aim for a bit of simplicity and err on the side of not taking stuff to Mucknell... except books!
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