Sunday 26 June 2011

Sustainability evening

On Thursday, we have a welcome event for some of the local folk involved in sustainability and conservation. I've been busy putting together some factsheets about the various sustainable aspects of Mucknell (and will have to re-read them to stir my memory before Thursday), and an overview (pdf, 153kb). One day, when I get myself together, the factsheets will all go on

Preparations for Thursday also include a good tidy of the kitchen garden by Anthony, and general cosmetic weeding. We'll serve some of the elderflower champagne I made at the beginning of June, but today we thought we ought to try it out first. Verdict: a bit watery, but has a little bit of something and is refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting and informative, Thanks Mx
    PS What does LPG stand for?
