Sunday, 29 May 2011

Rogation procession

We had a Rogation procession after the Eucharist today, staying close to the house rather than beating the bounds. It was almost a howling gale, with the thurible swinging every which way and the holy water blown back in our faces.

And here's the service sheet (pdf, 258kb) for any who are interested.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Estate map

Here's a map I just produced for the Guest Wing. The red and green pencil hasn't scanned terribly clearly, but hopefully you can make it out if you click to embiggen. One day perhaps I'll smarten it up.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

A time for...

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" (Eccles 3:1; NRSV):
  • a time to go on holiday, and a time to return to the daily rhythm;
  • a time for sunshine, and a time for rain, and hopefully a time for more rain;
  • a time for sowing (onions and leaks), a time for planting out (beans and squashes) and a time for harvesting (lettuce);
  • a time for building nests, and it seems, sadly, a time for throwing the eggs out of each other's nests;
  • a time for being attentive to external things, and a time for being attentive to internal things;
and therefore
  • a time for writing a blog, and a time for refraining from writing a blog... at least writing daily.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Mayday Mayday

Greetings for May Day, Beltane, the Feast of SS Philip and James (although this year it is transferred), Low Sunday and the 225th anniversary of the opening night of the Marriage of Figaro at the Vienna Burgtheater!!

It is the last day of the Easter Octave, so things will now be reverting to normal, whatever that is. I have been wondering how much our neighbours have got used to our bell, maybe even using it as an aide memoire. If so, they will have been very confused during the last two weeks, what with the different timetables of the Triduum and Easter Sunday and all the day-by-day variations since. I am looking forward to getting back into a rhythm. But first I am having some time away, so there will be a break of about a couple of weeks in the blog. In the meantime, I am hoping that there will be some proper rain, and that I will return to thriving fruit and veg.